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What is Diolaze XL?

DiolazeXL laser hair removal is a non-invasive, advanced laser hair removal procedure that safely and gently removes unwanted hair. The diode laser beam passes through the skin to the hair follicles and heats up the root of the hair, which stunts future hair growth. Each treatment can take anywhere from 15 minutes to 45 minutes and is customized to your specific concerns.

Diolaze combines safety, patient comfort, speed, and efficacy. Patients can achieve permanent hair reduction while sitting through shorter treatments. Diolaze can target large areas and treat even the most stubborn hair. It is fast and causes minimal pain due to the built-in cooling surface.

Key Benefits:

  • Gold standard wavelength, pulsing and power for optimal results and maximal safety.

  • Reduction in clinician treatment time – powerful enough to target and treat even the most stubborn hair.

  • Virtually painless due to strong built in cooling.

  • Can treat up to skin type VI.

Before your first appointment:

To prepare for your treatment, you will need to shave the area being treated the night before.

If you normally wax the area, you will need to wait 2-4 weeks before being treated.

  • Avoid direct sun exposure, sunbathing, and tanning.

  • Be sure to wear a broad-spectrum SPF and stay hydrated.

  • Arrive to your appointment with clean skin (no makeup, lotions, perfume, jewelry or other skin products on the area being treated).


What areas can be treated?

Diolaze can safely treat most areas of the body with the most common areas being, bikini area, legs, upper arms, forearms, chest, back, face, neck, shoulders. and stomach.

How many treatments will I need?

Laser hair removal treatments need to be performed every 4-8 weeks until the final results are achieved. Typically, patients will need about 6 treatments on average. The number of treatments you will need can vary based on the thickness of your hair, skin pigmentation, hair colour and how much hair needs to be removed

Is it Safe?

Yes, the procedure is completely safe when performed by skilled professionals and with the proper equipment.

Does it hurt?

Diolaze has a built-in skin cooling surface which cools the area before, during and after each pulse. Most patients find the treatment to be relatively painless.

Is it permanent?

Lasers are intended to ermanently reduce the amount of hair growth. Some people experience permanent results, while others may need a touch up every six to twelve months. Results may vary depending on your age, hair and skin type and hormonal changes.